Układ równowagi - Nowe odkrycia w dziedzinie otoneurologiii
Prof. Nakiela J.: Vertigo. The vestibulo-cerebellar system according to the latest investigations and interpretation of the author

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"Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy”

Psalm 40

Professor of Science sensu stricto
Jerzy Nakiela M.D., Ph. D., Associate Professor of Medical Science
The Head of the Laryngological Department
The Head of the Laboratory of Research into the Equilibrium System
The Tomaszów Health Centre in Tomaszów Mazowiecki

The publication is copyright. Any publishing, copying and processing of the text, tables and illustrations, and using them in any other purpose than private use requires the author's written consent.

 INDEX KEY WORDS: vestibulocerebellar system, equilibrium system, labyrinths, cerebellar hemispheres, cerebellum, kinetic tests, caloric tests, static-dynamic tests, the author’s own dynamic test of pendular marking time, vestibulo-cerebello-ophthalmic reflexes, vestibulo-cerebellospinal reflexes, oculomotor reflexes, habituation, compensation, directional predominance, the Ruttin's phenomenon, Bechterew’s phenomenon, new theories in otoneurology, history of discoveries in otoneurology, Robert Barany, Ernst Ewald.

 I dedicate this website to the explorers who have been working strenuously on the understanding of secrets of functioning of the complex equilibrium system.

I dedicate this website also to great Polish scientists, to noble and righteous people whose scientific career and scientific discoveries in otoneurology were broken by the Communists and the secret police of the Security Office (UB) and State Security Services (SB) in PRL.

- I am the discoverer of the vestibulocerebellar system, its mechanisms and fuctions which I presented publicly for the first time in the habilitation lecture on 20 November 1990 in the Military Medical Academy in Lodz. This discovery provided a basis for explanation basic problems of the physiology and the pathology of the labyrinth and the cerebellum, and consequently allowed creating modern otoneurology, including many new theories.

- I am also the author of the dynamic test, the so-called pendular marking time test, which allows simple diagnosing peripheral and central injuries of the equilibrium system. A thorough understanding of vestibulo-cerebellospinal reflexes in my own test in peripheral injuries of the vestibular organ and in injuries of the cerebellar hemispheres provided me with a basis for explanation of rules of cooperation of channels of horizontal labyrinths with the cerebellar hemispheres.

Despite my scientific discoveries in otoneurology which saw the light of the day for the first time on 20 November 1990, still so-called scientific authorities in this field, constantly and ad nauseam publish papers and textbooks based on the knowledge which was valid at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century. Therefore I decided to make my website so that my scientific discoveries could be known to physiologists, neurologists, laryngologists and scientists in other fields worldwide. I consider this form of presentation of scientific achievements more effective in the 21st century than writing books. It makes knowledge available quickly and commonly. I also present this publication of my scientific achievements so that never again would any professor, without proper knowledge on the bases of the physiology and the pathology of the equilibrium system, try to assess my papers negatively. I provide the reviewers who wrote negative opinions of my papers and assessed my scientific achievements negatively with a proof that they were not right and turned out to be sheer illiterates, despite their being perceived in the scientific environment as outstanding specialists in otoneurology.

I also unveil how the group holding authority in otoneurology, i.e. the mafia which originated in the Polish People's Republic, destroyed independent scientists, using state institutions as instruments to do it. I will introduce all the documents showing the crime which was committed in the Central Commission, strenuously trying to annihilate one of the greatest discoveries in otoneurology. Using my example I want to show the readers how the so-called "thick line", lack of decommunization and vetting affected the development of the Polish science.

I graduated from the Tadeusz Kosciuszko Comprehensive Secondary School (Lyceum) in Wieluń in 1963 and graduated from the sixth course of the Medical Faculty of Military Medical Academy (WAM) in Lodz in 1969. In 1972 I began specialization in otolaryngology in the WAM Laryngological Clinic in Lodz which was led by Józef Borsuk, Prof. M.D., Ph.D. As a young assistant, in my everyday job I encountered very difficult clinical otoneurology problems. Although that discipline of science has been developed for several ages, the fundamental issues of the physiology and the pathology of the labyrinth and the cerebellum were still unknown at that time. There was still no explanation for the basic phenomena from this field such as the phenomenon of habituation, compensation, directional predominance in vestibulo-cerebello-ophthalmic and vestibulo-cerebellospinal reflexes, Ruttin's phenomenon, Bechterew's phenomenon, the rules of formation of vestibulo-cerebello-ophthalmic reflexes and vestibulo-cerebellospinal reflexes in kinetic and caloric tests. Since then I have devoted all my scientific and vital powers to research into the above problems. I knew that it was difficult and dangerous at the same time. Yet I chose as the motto of my activities a statement by Maxwell - ”young scientists must not fear to destroy common opinions and acknowledged authorities”. I began my search in the equilibrium system, it was a must for me to find a key or a code allowing me to discover the secrets of this sense. Based on my own considerations I began my research in otoneurology from its basics, in order to be on the right track. I assumed that the basis for deciphering that system would be a thorough understanding of vestibulo-cerebellospinal reflexes in isolated injuries of the labyrinth and cerebellar hemispheres. Based on Ewald‘s observations made in 1892 as well as my observations, I invented my dynamic test, a pendular marking time test, for diagnosing injuries of labyrinths and the cerebellum. The first stage of the research concerned assessment of the usefulness of my test in diagnosing peripheral injuries of the equilibrium organ, i.e. the labyrinth. After passing my first grade examination in otolaryngology, I began working in the Institute of Occupational Medicine in Lodz. At that time the Laboratory of Research into the Equilibrium System had already had an apparatus for kinetic stimulations Tönnies 420 with a possibility of using pendular stimulations. It was essential for to do that research with good modern equipment, which allowed me to exactly program parameters of suitable tests and to exactly evaluate and calculate the obtained vestibulo-cerebello-ophthalmic reactions. The sequence of my scientific discoveries will be presented in detail after having revealed the history of research and discoveries in otoneurology.

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